My name is Venugopal Linga and I am born in the year 1977. In my childhood, I was a Spiritual Healer. I am the founder of GLOBAL HEALING. I do Global Healing using a GLOBE, on a regular/daily basis to this whole world. Then, all of a sudden, the power abandoned me. And later In the year 2009, I had to learn Reiki Healing to become healthy and a complete healer. And in the year 2010, I started my healing and therapy center 'Healing Home' to serve the society. Now, the name is: "Healing & Therapy Clinic." And now, by profession, I am a Healer & Therapist. My work involves interviewing and healing my patients and clients to cure them of their health problems, mental and emotional problems, etc. I have been doing global healing on a regular basis, by which, I am responsible for the eradication of Swine-flu, E-bola, Zika, Nipah, Chikungunia, Viral Flu and Monkeypox, etc, from this whole world, whenever they had appeared; and other dangerous diseases like cancer, tumor, aids, viral fever, dengue and also healed other common diseases like cold, cough, fever, bp and diabetes; etc. I am responsible for all the mass healings that had happened in the whole world until now. During global healing, I heal the animate kingdom, inanimate kingdom and problems related with global warming (example: healing of the ozone layer, atmosphere and glaciers); healing environmental issues (example: healing of air, water bodies and land masses) and healing to prevent 3rd World War and to establish world peace. In this process, I became a WORLD HEALER and I render distant online healing and therapy sessions to the needy for some nominal fees, as I believe in: "SERVICE TO MANKIND IS SERVICE TO GOD."